Honorary Doctorates

Contact Person

Frau Kerstin Schumacher

Faculty of Medicine
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg

Tel.: 0391-67-15751
Fax: 0391-67-15310



Awarded Honorary Doctorates

Name of the honored Prof. em. Dr. J. Robin Warren, Nobel Prize Winner of Physiology and Medicine 2005, Royal Perth Hospital, Australia
Date of Award 

May 31. 2007

Name of the honored Prof. em. Dr. Peter Safar (†), University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Date of Award

November 21. 1997



The title of an honorary doctor (doctor honoris causa) at the Medical Faculty Magdeburg is awarded on the basis of § 21 of the doctoral degree regulations of the Medical Faculty Magdeburg:

§ 21 Honorary Doctorate


The Faculty of medicine grants, with the approval of the Faculty Council and the Senate the academic titel of an honorary doctor (doctor honoris causa) as a recognition of outstanding scientific achievements as well as for services to the development of science. The person to be honored may not be a member:,


The application must be submitted to the Dean by at least 3 university professors.


The assessment of the application is to be carried out by the nominating honorary committee, which consists of at least five university teachers. The chairperson must be a university teacher. The Commission will draw up a written report on the personality and scientific achievements of the person or persons proposed to be honored. At least 2 reports from external scientists are to be used. The Honorary Commission recommends the further processing of the application in the Faculty Council with two-thirds majority of vote. Abstentions are not allowed.


The dean informs the members of the Faculty Council in good time that they should be advised about an application for an honorary doctorate. At the same time, she or he points out that the application and the report of the Commendation Commission are located in the office of the dean for the confidential inspection of the members of the Faculty Council.


The Faculty Council recommends handing over the application to the Senate on the basis of the decision of the committee of commendation. Acceptance of the application for approval requires the approval of the majority of the voting members of the faculty council as well as the professors present at the consultation. If the application is accepted, the dean will submit the request for confirmation, accompanied by all documents from the Rector, for decision by the Senate.


After the approval of the Senate, the honorary doctorate is to be organisationally prepared by the office of the rector. The Rector or the Dean invites the honorary doctorate candidate to the formal ceremony and determines the speaker of the Laudatio.


The certificate to be issued must be signed and handed over by the Rector and the Dean


The honorary doctorate is to be registered in the German scientific colleges and the Minister of Science of Saxony-Anhalt.


The applicants must be informed of a negative decision.

Last Modification: 14.02.2019 - Contact Person:

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